Bloodrayne: Betrayal

Developers often throw from extreme to the extreme. So, the creators of Hitman, a cynical simulator of the hired killer, then “lured sins” on the children's mini ninjas. In this regard, the Americans WayForward, it seems, went over the stick in the opposite direction: two years ago they released almost a holy and, it seems, the most beautiful two -dimensional game in the world a boy and his blob, where a little boy hugged all the way with a snow -white bubble. In order to “compensate” this, you need to release something indifferent, but WayForward and they were not confused here. In the near future, after a long lull, they will make a new part of the vampire slasher Bloodrayne for Majesco. Over the five years of diet, Beauty Rhine lost one dimension and now more than ever longing for blood. It's time to go!

Our interlocutor

Mike Herbster

Job title : Designer levels

Previous place of work : I studied in Majesco a variety of projects

About yourself : “In our new game, blood should be slightly larger than normal. Big Win Box sister sites Yes, more. But within the rational!"


There was nothing heard about the Rhine for a very long time. The last follower, Bayonetta , Confessed a much thinner style: there erotica intertwined with schizophrenia, and the gigantic dragon with the hair of the main character. Bloodrayne against her background looks natural pornography. Nazis! Dancing on a pole! Demons! Latex! This game has become a very significant slasher for its time: the combat mechanics are blown up, the combo lined up somehow, but the heroine moaned while drank Nazi blood. First -class trash in the style of crazy Japanese cartoons.

The authors decided to bring this analogy to the limit, and the Rhine literally reborn.

[[Bullet]] One of the types of enemies is a giant finger that jumps out of the ground at the most inopportune moment and knocks down the heroine from the feet.

Now this is the real anime: a two -dimensional slasher in style Dishwasher. Another thing is that the graphics Betrayal As many as 30 of the best artists and animators in the world worked – and they gradually began to forget about Trash. The bright, powerful energy of A Boy and His Blob was translated into a crushing force Gothic action. Betrayal uses an improved engine of its predecessor and gives the picture so amazing that you can write a visionary in competitors here Insanly Twisted Shadow Planet. Graphics, animation, study level of each part – prohibitive. One group of artists works on characters, the other draws exclusively backgrounds, their paths do not intersect, and thus a very expressive appearance is achieved. Gray, deliberately darkened backgrounds are combined with bright, contrasting characters, and blood splashes dissect the screen no less deliciously than explosions Modern Warfare. Blood here is generally used as an artistic tool: wide strokes red in a gray background.

With such a powerful artistic component, to make the Transdolbayan slasher somehow unconscious.

Following the chosen style, the developers reached his logical final – to the anime “D: Vampire Hunter” Esiaki Kawazhiri. This is also a kind of picture of blood, with a forever handing hero-vampire, cosmic missiles resembling the spiers of the Barcelonian church of the Holy Family and pale ladies, now and then fainting. You probably already understand what we are leading to.

Rhine no longer dances on the pole.


Bloodrayne: Betrayal is not the same “Blade” that we once knew. Even the zombies here go in camisoles, and all the ladies are in backward dresses. Just like in “D”, the action of the game takes place in an incredibly distant future, where the Apocalypse managed to happen more than once, and humanity lives in the nineteenth century, mixed with cyberpan.

Over the past thousands of years, the Rhine has not changed at all, but still matured. In our interview (which, according to all the canons of the vampire horror, was held late at night), the level designer Mike Herbster several times compared it to the wolf.

[[Bullet]] All skills will be available from the very beginning, during the game you will only increase health and expand ammunition.

“This is the real leader of the pack. Our task was to show that the Rhine is a strong and clever murder machine, so we abandoned all the frivolous jokes. This is no longer a comedy. Yes, the game has become more gloomy, ”Mike admits. Instead of clasping the enemies with his feet and bending his back, Rhine drinks blood from a cup, holding a pen with two fingers – it is precisely such an animation that will open her appearance at the level. Well, besides this, she still does not hesitate to drink, let's say, from the throat. For each of the many enemies, a bite animation has been prepared for its own. With anthropomorphic opponents, everything is simple: in the case of a dressed zombie, the Rhine gently wraps his hand over his waist, tilt his head, bites … But what to do with four -meter bubbles on his legs, to the edges with blood stuck? Even in such a creature, the heroine will be able to find her neck, pull her out of the depths of the ugly body and bite! Then the most interesting.

The duration of the suction is subtly adjusted by the Joyic button. Traditionally, you can finish the opponent and correct the quarter of the health line. And you can cut off the "kiss" in the middle, and then the bitten enemy will become infected. Gottering. Will become a walking bomb that you can always detonate. Everyone who is in the epicenter will immediately explode, the rest will become infected, they can also be blown up. This technique perfectly characterizes the new combat system.

“The player must demolish several enemies at once. Three, six with one blow – this is the key to success in battles, ”explains Mike. In order to instantly move between opponents and mercilessly apply the blades with them, the ability of Dash is perfect. This is a rapid jerk in the air, with the help of which the Rhine can quickly move from one enemy to another. On such jumps, the platform part of the game is also tied, the heroine will literally roll on the heads of enemies, using them as islands over the abyss.

Finally, in order to simultaneously damage several enemies at once, pistol traditional for the series will come in handy. In addition to ordinary trunks, there will be the so -called "solar gun". Its be a beam you will incinerate undead not only in traditional two directions (left and right), but also to burn the enemies who hid under you or attack from above. Simply put, the Rhine will twist a gun around him and burn all living and inanimate around him.

Bloodray transition in 2D seems to us a logical and timely step. The sluggish three -dimensional technologies have always exaggerated the deadly beauty of the Rhine – and now they suddenly decided to portray it in 2D, and in the most beautiful 2D in the world. It will be interesting to see what will happen in a year, when saturated blood, reaching cosmic heights in drawing, developers will again recall A Boy and His Blob.

We will wait?

The depraved slasher goes into 2D, adding in the amounts of spilled blood, cruelty and aesthetic erotica.

Readiness percentage: 90%

Sometimes, she was writing blood in albums of gentle girls

Blood as an expressive agent


Esiaki Kavajiri flows blood in terrible quantities, she beats with fountains, and some heroes (like a giant with stone skin from Ninja Manuscript) drink it almost like kefir before bedtime. The most striking in this regard is the second part of the saga about the adventures of the vampire hunter D, "Thirst for blood". There, in addition to traditional fountains, there is also an absolutely red girl, which is entirely consisting of frozen blood. It is worth noting that, despite the prohibitive cruelty, the main full -length of Kavajiri are quite tearful melodramas about a difficult female share and unrequited love.


Jalo-elegant and cruel Italian thrillers of the 70-80s with ornate names: “bird with crystal feathers”, “autopsy” or “spasm of the dead nerve”.

In this genre, the bloody bacchanalia is the same necessary element that the progressive rock music of the Goblin group. Where Alfred Hitchcock switched to another plan in chastely, the Italians tastefully showed multiple blows with a knife, machete or sparkling knightly glove. The apotheosis of the entire movement occurs in the final “trembling” (1982) Dario Argento, where the heroine literally paints a white wall with blood hare.

Blood in zero gravity

In the film “Star Way 6: Unpassed Country” (1991) there is a unique in beauty and cruelty scene of the murder of clingones in zero gravity. Two earthquakes in spacesuits with magnetic boots methodically move from the compartment to the compartment, shooting helpless clinings berseriskers from phaser pistols: dense lilac blood of aliens realistically gathers in balls and soars in the air, just on the canvas of the artist-scurelist.

In the anemic genre of film fiction (you saw at least a drop of blood in Star Wars?) The episode is amazing: not a single spectator will remember that in the series Klinon blood was an ordinary red.

Blood and kung fu

The most bloody Hong Kong film that you saw in your life is probably a “bright future” (1986) John Wu. The illiterate editors of Wikipedia even record WU in the ancestors of the genre of "heroic bloodshed".

But in fact, blood liters on the wide screens of the 70s were also shed heroes of the Kung Fu-films of director Che Chang (the best of them are proud names like “Duel of an iron fist”), whose young Wu worked as an assistant. Titans like Lang Ti and Wang Ping were processed into cutlets of the army of other Chinese with fists, knives and exotic Shaolin combat devices, bloodily and heroically dying (or not dying) in the process.

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